The   10,11,and 13 June 2005 agreements, statements, of CUD With EPRDF and UEDF, and retractions of  CUD's statements

The 10 June 2005 joint declaration.





10 June 2005

1. The signatories of this declaration:-

- re-affirm their commitment to the successful and peaceful conclusion

of the electoral process, in a manner that fully respects the wishes of the

people, the rule of law and constitutional processes of the country

- re-assert their condemnation of all acts of violence or incitement to

violence and agree to make all possible efforts to prevent such violence or

incitement to violence, to exercise restraint, and seek resolution of all issues

through legal and peaceful means only.

- declare their commitment to the decision-making procedures

established by the Proclamation on Electoral law for deciding upon

complaints of election irregularities and to abide by them.

- accept the legal authority of the National Election Board of Ethiopia

and the courts in those procedures and commit to abide by the decisions they

make on the basis of the authority invested in them by the laws of the

country, and refrain from all acts intended to subvert such decisions, without

prejudice to their constitutional rights.

- recognize the positive role being played by the Joint Political Party

Forum in resolving disputes between the parties in a consensual manner and

in enhancing the transparency of the process.

- note the decision of the NEBE to review and investigate the 299

complaints of electoral irregularities that have been submitted by political


- affirm the need for there to be public confidence and transparency in

the decision making procedures.

- express their wish to participate in the review and investigation


- urge international observers to accept the NEBE's invitation to

observe the complaints and results process.

2. As agreed in the meeting of the Joint Political Party Forum of 30 May 2005,

the signatories of this declaration are committed to participate fairly and

constructively in the Complaints Investigation Panels to be established by


3. Noting the establishment of an ad-hoc Complaints Review Body consisting of

legal experts appointed by the NEBE, the signatories request of the NEBE

that they are able to participate in hearings so as to provide clarification of

existing evidence and, where appropriate to submit new evidence, prior to

the final recommendations of the Complaints Review Body. Such a role is

intended to ensure that the Complaints Review body makes its

recommendations with all available information.

4. As the work of the Complaint Review Body has already commenced, the

signatories call on the NEBE to urgently and positively respond to these


On behalf of the


On behalf of the


On behalf of the



June 11.  CUD's Poisition.                                                                                                    




CUD through its duly accredited representatives signed a Joint Declaration with

UEDF and EPRDF on 10 June 2005 at the Headquarters of the National Election

Board in Addis Ababa in the presence of the diplomatic and international

community. In this Declaration CUD unequivocally committed itself to the peaceful

resolution of the election disputes which are the subject of the Declaration.

In signing the Declaration, the CUD nowhere put any reservations or conditions or

equivocation to its adherence to the spirit and letter of the Declaration. The

Declaration in fact is a final and binding document on the signatories.

After having signed the Declaration each signatory was given an opportunity to

state how it intended to implement the Declaration. The CUD regrets any

misinterpretation of its presentation at the signing ceremony and retracts any

elements of its statement that may have given this impression. During the

presentation CUD pointed out that the existence of a peaceful enabling environment

is a sine qua non for effective implementation of the Declaration. CUD pointed out

that harassment of the leaders and functionaries of any of the signatories would

render it impossible to implement the Declaration.

The CUD would like to once more unequivocally and without reservations declare

that it accepts all the provisions of the Declaration it signed on 10 June 2005. It

further undertakes to implement forthwith the provisions of the agreement.

In a constructive spirit of compromise and mutual respect, the CUD would like to

propose to its joint signatories that in addition to the meeting due to take place on

Monday June 13th under the auspices of the NEB to discuss the complaints and

appeals procedures, a meeting should also take place as soon as possible to explore

how the commitments entered into by all signatories, notably in respect of

commitments to non-violence and incitements to violence, can be respected.

As a contribution to this endeavor, the CUD would like to share with its signatories

on Monday 13th June a specific proposal to address issues that we believe need to be

resolved to move the process forward.

The CUD re-affirms that it will do everything in is powers to support the nonviolent

transition of society in Ethiopia to a society based upon respect for

individual human rights and democratic values. The successful conclusion of the

present electoral process, in conformity with the provisions of the Ethiopian

constitution and accepted international standards, we believe, is a key element in

achieving this goal.

Coalition for Unity and Democracy

June 11, 2005

Addis Ababa



Joint Declaration by CUD, UEDF and EPRDF
13 June 2005

1.     The signatories re-affirm their commitment to the joint public declaration they made on 10 June.

2.     As a signatory to the 10 June declaration, the CUD retracts its statements on 10 June that appeared to question or put pre-conditions to its commitment to the joint declaration. The other signatoreis welcome this retraction.

3.     Having received draft terms of reference for the operation of the NEBE complaints review procedures, the signatories commit themselves to consider and agree to these terms of reference as soon as possible.

4.     The signatories confirm that they stand ready to implement their 10 June declaration in an open, constructive, inclusive and consensual manner. The signatories agree to discuss the precise modalities for implementing their joint declaration in a conducive environment.

Signed by CUD, UEDF,EPRDF==========================

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