CONTENTS                                                                   page


Preface                                                                                  i


Chpater 1.  Morality and Ethics                                            1

Introduction                                                                          1

A.   Virtue Ethics                                                                  3

B.   Ayene Helina, the light of our will.                                5

C.    Utilitarianism: Utility Ethics                                          8

D.   Duty-based Ethics: Deontology.                                  11

E.   Ethical Egoism vs Ethical Yelugnta                              17

E1. Ethical Egoism                                                              17

E2. Ethical Yelugnt                                                             20

References                                                                           23


Chapter 2. Rights ("mebet') of individuals, and the social Contract.  25

On the state of nature.                                                         29

On natural law.                                                                    31

On social contract.                                                               32

On history of social contracts.                                             34

Church reformation and hizabawi imbita.                            37

            Abba Estifanos (1380? - 1450)                               37

Individual rights.                                                                 40

            a. Philosopher Zera Yacob                                      40

            b. Thomas Hobbes                                                  42

            c. John Locke                                                          44

            d. Jean Jacques Rousseau (: on social contract)     46

            e. The American constitution                                   47

            f. Woodrow Wilson -- self determination              47

Conclusion.                                                                         48

References                                                                           52



Chapter 3. Ethiopia's experiences at Democracy                 53

Introduction                                                                         53

Part 1. Experiences at democratic governance                     56

Part 1a. The AD 13th Century story                                   56

Part 1b.  The story of the Gada system                               60

Part 1c. The Council of Ministers                                       64

Part 2.  Lack of democratic culture                                      71

            Statement of the problem                                         71

            Proposed solution                                                   73

References                                                                           75


Chapter 4.  Ethiopian Democratic Instrument          77

Part 1.  Summary of vision-mission-goal-object-strategy-

tactic system                                                                        77

Vision                                                                                 77

Mission                                                                               78

Goals                                                                                   79

Objectives summary                                                            81

Strategy- description                                                           83

Tactics-   description                                                           83

Part 2. Detailed Strategies and tactics                                 84

Part 2a. Detailed tactics and strategies to Goal 1               88

Part 2b. Detailed strategies and tactics to Goal 2            109



Chapter 5.  Ten historical points of alienations                 127

Part A.  Historical points of alienation                              127

Part B.  The TPLF appeared                                              134

Part C.  The TPLF Revolutionary Democracy                  137

I. Revolutionary Democracy Goals                                   140

II.  Political goals                                                              141

III. Economic goals                                                           147

IV. Economic strategies of Revolutionary Democracy   150

V. Political strategies of Revolutionary Democracy          157

VI. Tactics for political strategies                                      162

VII. Conclusions                                                              169


Appendix 1. Propagation of language                              173

Appendix 2. Names and Languages                                  189

Appendix 3.  Alien political agitators                     203

Appendix 4.  The Role of David Mercer                           209

Appendix 5.   Snapshot of foreign intervention               223

Appendix  6 . US intervention & National Conference   207

Appendix 7.  Western Intellectuals on African regimes  211

Appendix 8.  Reactions to views of s Western scholars  217

Appendix 9. The UF = Congress + Senate                       221

Appendix 10.  Eight Points Principles                              227

Appendix 11. Much bigger than its officers                      229

Appendix 12  Bruce on slavery                                         237 

Appendix 13.  Berhanu and Kinijit                                   241 

Appendix 14   Bylaws                                                      255

Appendix 15.    Water Power                                            227

Appendix 16.    The 1902 Anglo-Ethiopian Treaty          303

Appendix 17.     Ethiopians against the center                  317

Appendix 18.   The student movement                              335

Appendix 19.    The Rubicon is crossed                           349

Figure 1.  Rivers, lakes and mountains                             363

Acronyms                                                                        365

Index                                                                                367