

Draft.  The effort here is to find equivalent terms between Amharic and English in the Vision-mission-goals-objectives-strategies- tactics system of Ethiopian Democracy.  I will appreciate your comments and suggestions for improvements.



Ra’iy = = Vision. Ye Ityopia Democracy ra'iy amenta, haqegnanet, qiltifena, ena hulun-aqef hono bemizanwi sememenet yetegeneba agerawi astedadere, statawi (Teqlae gizat) astedader ena gilsebawi sera yesekenubet amerqi hebere-hezeb new. Ye state mengist polisotchen, ager Tebaqi wetaderotchen, ena temeherten yeqoTaTeral; ye ahegurawi mengist kewotchi endihum kewust Telat meqawemi wetaderotchin yastedadral, deriq weyem yewu mulat yemisketelutin zemenat bemegemet kemiameTut gudat hizbun lemadan eremja yewsdal hizbunem yagezal, beTeqlala ye research Tenatotchen yakiahedal, ye gelesebu kifle degemo economy ene hebresebun lemadaber yenqsakesal.



Ethiopian Democracy envisages a wholesome society that enshrines credibility, integrity, efficiency, and inclusiveness with a balanced social contract among state (province) and national governments and individuals.  The state government manages the police, national guards and education; the national government manages defense against external and internal enemies, anticipates and offers support to mitigate problems associated with drought and flood, and supports research agencies; and the private sectors engages in economic and social activities.


Tel'eko = = Mission .  Ye Ityopia democracy gelesebu yemenor, yenetsanet, ena yemedest, indhum nebertena merit yegelu habt madreg betefeTero ensesanetu yagegnatchew mebtoch mehonatchewun yamenal; endihum besebawenetu gelesebu yeminorebet hebere-hezeb yeheg yebelaynet besekenebet serat, yemengist asteedadariwotchem beand-sew-and-dimtse bemisTibet democrasawi serat yetemereTuena hizib yemeqotaterew natchewl.


Ethiopian Democracy holds that the individual has the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and that the right to own property and land are his rights as a natural animal; and as a human the individual lives in a society that enforces the rule of law, administered by a government in which the leaders are elected based on one- person-one-vote democracy and are accountable to the society.


Alama (Alamawotch) == Goal (Goals).  Alamwotch tel'ekowen wedesera inditeregom yagezalu. Ye Ityopia Democracy hulet alamawoth alut 1) Poletikawi ena astedader, ena 2) economiyawi ena hebre hizib.


Goals are intended to define the mission in ways that would permit implementation.  Ethiopian Democracy has two broad goals: 1) Political and Administrative, and 2) Economic and Social.


Geb ( Gibotch = = Objective (Objectives).  Gebotch ye alamawotch kiflfayi honew almawotch wedesera inderegomu yegezalu. Ye Ityopia Democracy 12 gebotch alut, ye teqomatchewen 2 alamwotch wedesera yemiteregumebet.


Objectives further define goals into parcels that can be translated into actions. Ethiopian Democracy has 12 objectives, for the 2 goals that it outlined.


FeliT (FeliTotch) = = Strategy (Strategies). FeliTotch gebotch wedesera yemetergomubeten mengedotch anetaterewena asteesasbew yemesayu eqdotch natchew. Selazihem, eyandando geb bezu feliToch (wedesera yemitergumu eqedotch) yenorutal. Ye Itoypia democracy wede 38 feliToch alut 12 gebotchun wederser yemitergumebet.


Strategies are systematic plans of action established to achieve objectives.  Hence each objective has several strategies (plans of action).  Ethiopian Democracy has about 38 strategies to achieve its 12 objectives.


Zede (Zedewotch) = = Tactic (Tactics). Zedewotch yetakeduten feliToch eseralay mawaya natchew. Anadened zedewotch gerageb bimeslum yetakedu wuTetotcein besera lamasayet yemiagabezu natchew. Bizu zedeowtch andin feliT wedesera lemetergum yetakedu sihun, and zede degmo bezu feliTocthen wedesre inditergum yagiz yehonal. Ye Ityopiya Democracy wede 100 zedwotch temenoal. Inegneh zedwotch begeber sewlu, andandoctum zedewotch be ambagenenewi ye Ityopia serate- mengistim gize begeber liwulu silemitchelu, yanen ambagene sirat alaletew bedemocracyawi serat liqeyerut yetchelalu.


Tactics are actions taken to ensure that the designed strategies are implemented. Some tactics may involve taking counterintuitive actions to elicit desired responses.   Several tactics can be implemented to meet one strategy, and one tactic might elicit the implementation of several strategies.  Ethiopian Democracy has identified about 100 tactics.  The implementation of these tactics, some of which can be done even when tyranny rules over Ethiopia , will loosen that tyranny and replace it by democracy


HG:  3/17/2007