1-ED5:  Part E.  Draft:  Strategies: General comment on Strategies.


Strategies constitute the arrangements and structures that will help us translate our goals into work. We have identified twelve objectives, six of the objectives to met Goal 1 (Political and Administrative Goal), and six others that meet another goal (Economic and Social Goal).  The implementation of each objective requires several strategies, yet some of the strategies may partly apply to several objectives.


Constitutions are written, governments and their agencies are organized, and the military apparatus are established as strategies to meet the mission, goals and objectives of a party envisions for its country. Ethiopia is suffering from the strategies implemented by the TPLF leader. The leader of the TPLF/EPRDF implements ethnic-centered governance to weaken Ethiopia as he enriches his extended family and associates.


Highly trained and well-paid soldiers from Tigrey province, the brutal Agazi Brigand, are ordered to march to a region where Ethiopians may want to assert their rights, disarm the police of that region and harshly silence the opposition. A dramatic example of this is how the inhabitants of Addis Ababa who rejected the TPLF regime through a legally approved election process were subjugated by the regime. An army that has no allegiance to human and political rights of Ethiopians, the Agazi Brigand, was ordered by Prime Minister Meles Zeanawi, the leader of the party that was rejected by the voters,  to come to Addis Ababa.  They murdered over 193 unarmed civilians, imprisoned thousands including the elected leaders of Ethiopia, the leaders of the Kinijit Party, after the May 15, 2005 elections.  The unwillingness of Zenawi to share military secretes and to prepare leading opposition party leaders to take over the security apparatus when they win the elections showed beyond a shadow of doubt that the TPLF/EPRDF party would not respect the votes of the electorate.  


We cannot fool ourselves into believing that the TPLF/EPRDF will willingly allow the elected Kinijit leaders to rule the country. Neither will the TPLF/EPRDF willingly permit the security forces to work under the Kinijit, though the electorate of Ethiopia had overwhelmingly voted Kinijit to power.  The story is bound to be the same in any future national election, unless the opposition party has established relations with a national army.  Hence a crucial strategy to pursue as a way of liberating Ethiopia is to encourage the formation of a military force that is not based on ethnic-centered politics.  A nonviolent movement such as the Kinijit cannot organize an army. Yet it has to be able to order an army when it is elected to form a government. The Army of Zenawi is an ethnic-centered outfit, nor will Zenawi willingly relinquish power just because Ethiopians had elected another party. The way out of this circuitous argument is for a non-ethnic-centered military to appear in Ethiopia led by Ethiopians, and for all Ethiopians who seek liberation to rally behind such an army and its leader so that the number, quality and ability of a national army increases. The purpose of a National Army is not to take over the government by force.  Rather it is to assert that the will of the Ethiopians will be respected.

The nonviolent movement has no option other than implementing “Hizbawi Imbita”. Yet, while “Hizbawi Imbita” would debilitate and remove Zenawi out of his pedestal, unless a national, non-ethnic-based military is operational, the effort will result in changing Zenawi by another destructive element. We ought to remember how the Derg appeared when the society revolted against the last Monarch, and how the EPLF/TPLF appeared as the society revolted against the Derg.  It is not enough to implement “Hizbawi Imbita” until and unless there is a credible national, non-ethnic-based military organization that can be relied upon to honor and respect the vote the Ethiopian electorate has made and will make.

Several strategies will be identified to translate the objectives into action. Nearly all the strategies are to be implemented in Ethiopia by Ethiopians.  The Diaspora can have a role.  Its role can be channeled through the office of the Liaison which would have many individual who work in different capacities. The Chairman of the Liaison Office shall be a member of the executive body of the Diaspora nonviolent movement, which will be led by elected officials.

A significant point to underscore here is that there are many strategies to translate the twelve objectives and their appropriate tactics, which we shall enumerate. The opposition must work on the different aspects of the strategies at the same time so that Zenawi and his party will find that they will benefit by negotiating with the opposition instead of dictating their terms all the time.  The current opposition effort of reacting to what Zenawi does should be changed to a case where Zenawi has to worry on what the opposition is doing

A list of strategies for the twelve objectives are given below.


Part E1:  Objective to Goal 1, Political Administrative Goal.


Objective 1. Asserting the individual, human and political rights of Ethiopians forthrightly.

           Strategy to goal 1-Objective 1

1-1-1. Empower all elements of Ethiopians society who struggled for Ethiopian Democracy to chart the way forward for the nation.

            1.1.2.  Assemble a national conference to draft a constitution that enshrines the principles of Ethiopian Democracy.


            Objective 2.  Ensure that inhabitants will be engaged in the mission-goals-objectives-strategies-tactics system that is called Ethiopian Democracy.

              Strategy to goal 1-Objective 2

             1-2-1. Establish farmers association that will discus about farm issues including discussion on Ethiopian Democracy

            1-2-2  Establish community associations within each district of cities that will discus about city issue including discussion on Ethiopian Democracy

            1-2-4.  Establish Ethiopian Democracy associations with in each school of the country to discuss the contents of Ethiopian Democracy.

            1-2-4. Cause Diaspora Ethiopians to democratically elect their executives such that liaison officers who will be part of the executive bodies will link them with the major movement in Ethiopia.


Objective 3. Organize a government that is duly elected by the people, by considering the Kinijit party leaders as the first democratically elected leaders in Ethiopia, and administer Ethiopian Democracy firmly and bestow justice to all with malice to none and fairness to all.

              Strategy to goal 1-Objective 3

            1-3-1. Establish a government with three co-equal branches of government that is dedicated to the implementation of the mission of Ethiopian Democracy, and which 1) legislates bills in light of Ethiopian Democracy, 2) Executes the bills generated by the legislator and constitution that enshrines the contents of Ethiopia Democracy, and 3) Adjudges any disputes between individuals, individual and disagreements or between agencies and branches of government.

            1-3-2  Establish that the work of the government is to defend the nation from external attack, internal fracturing, and to maintain peace and provide justice to all       


1-3-3. Establish a founder’s association that places the Kinijit Party leaders who were elected by the overwhelming majority of Ethiopia in the May 15, 2005 election

            1-3-4. Organize a police force that implements orders given by the courts.


Objective 4. Arrange and organize Ethiopia into administrative states (Provinces and regions) in ways that will provide ready and equitable services to all inhabitants of the region.

            Strategy to goal 1-Objective 4

            1-4-1.  Divide Ethiopia into meaningful states (or provinces) with the aim of providing better administration to the inhabitants.

            1-4-2  Establish administrative unites of the state governments that would dispense  justice firmly and equitable  to all, and without prejudice on the basis  the ethnic-origins of individuals.


Objective 5. Organize the military, police, and security forces, and train the same to implement the principles engendered in Ethiopian Democracy.

            Strategy to goal 1-Objective 5

            1-5-1. Establish agencies for the military services (ground, air force, and naval) whose allegiance is to the constitution that enshrines Ethiopian Democracy, and who are not organized to serve the purpose or to promote the political platform of any party

            1-5-2, Establish a police department for each state and city whose allegiance is the constitution which enshrines Ethiopian Democracy.

            1-5-3.  Organize security  intelligence community whose allegiance is the constitution which enshrines Ethiopian Democracy

            1-5-4   Establish an organization that would educate the security services about Ethiopian Democracy.

Objective 6.  The political and administrative goal benefits from the establishment of freedom of press, and of a people who can express their views by utilizing any form of media.

            Strategy to goal 1-Objective 6

            1-6-1. Independent free press, video, audio, television and internet will operate in Ethiopia

            1-6-2. Ethiopia Democracy or individual liberties are not to be violated by the Free Press for any violations might be brought to the courts by individuals, agencies, or the government.


Part E2: Objective to Goal 2, Economic and Social Goal.


Objective  1. Ethiopians have property rights including the right to private ownership of land.

            Strategy to goal 2-Objective 1

            2-1-1. Establish a government agency that would distribute land to Ethiopians. [Because confiscation of land or property is against the mission of  Ethiopian Democracy, which validates individual rights (“mebet) including the right to own property of land and property, a government agency comprising of judges will be organized to adjudicate and arbitrate the case of confiscated  land and property since the 1970’s. The land so distributed will thereafter be dealt with similar to property under market forces and shall be adjudicated under normal court proceedings.]

            2-1-2. Encourage establishment of framers associations to promote better yield from the land. 

            2-1-3 Establish Water Authority that will implement water distributions from rivers and lakes to inhabitants of riparian Wereda, Aweraja and provinces


Objective 2. Private and public sector economies will reflect Ethiopian Democracy.

            Strategy to goal 2-Objective 2

            2-2-1. Establish Water Authority which will manage, harness and maintain the lakes, rivers for the use of riparian lands and for the nation at large.

2-2-2. Establish new parks and maintain the services of existing ones

2-2-3.  Establish and or improve agencies that would promote tourism by Ethiopian visiting other sites in Ethiopia, and by attracting foreign visitors.

2-2-4.  Encourage private center economic activity.

2-2-5.  Educate that public sector economics are only to jump strategies private sector ownership, or for working on items that are of vital and strategic interest of the government.

2-2-6.  Encourage individuals to invest in their country and infuse the notion of Ethiopian Democracy among their peers.


Objective 3.  An educated society is essential to the economic strength and progress of the country.

            Strategy to goal 2-Objective 3

            2-3-1. Open schools, elementary, high school and colleges, and maintain in good working order those that have been opened.

            2-3-2 .  Provide workshops and continuing education opportunities for all sectors of society.    


Objective 4. A healthy people contribute more to the economic strength and progress of Ethiopia.

            Strategy to goal 2-Objective 4

            2-4-1. Establish departments that will educate the populous of the value of hygiene

2-4-1. Increase the medical clinics and hospitals across the land.

2-4-3. Discuss and encourage family planning

            2-4-4.  Reduce and eradicate any pandemic that might develop before it flourishes.


Objective 5. Wholesome social activities will strengthen the economic progress of Ethiopia.

            Strategy to goal 2-Objective 5

            2-5-1. Dredge lake floors to increase their water content, build dams across rivers for irrigation and or electricity and also for the added benefit of creating recreation areas.

            2-5-2.  Establish more parks, playing fields, build gymnasiums, theaters, and town halls.

            2-5-3.  Encourage local tourism

            2-5-3.  Encourage participation in sport activities across the land.


Objective 6. The finance, commerce, banking and other economic transactions will be utilized to strengthen the economy of Ethiopia.

            Strategy to goal 2-Objective 6

            2-6-1. Cause the banks and financial institutions to adhere to the principles of Ethiopian Democracy.

            2-6-2. Utilize the financial institutions to foster economic development