
msmaku asrat to Friends all,  Sept 29/2011

Did you notice bare faced white lie of Bereket about the time he joined the
Eritrean Liberation struggle.



Description: https://mail.google.com/mail/images/cleardot.gifmsmaku asrat to Friends all,  Sept30/2011


Prof. Mammo,

I see your point. I was wondering why, Bereket, a perfect turncoat, was
featured here. He has been a liar and a vermin all his life. He was my
lecturer in Constitutional History of Ethiopia when I was a Freshman in the
University College of Addis Ababa. His frequent refrain then was "we
Hararis" this, and "we Hararis" that,  and how smart and more educated
Hararis were and his admiration of Emperor Haile Selassie as one of "their
own"- the Hararis. I never knew then, nor, I believe, did my classmates
knew, to which ethnic group he belonged but we all listened whimsically to
his endless bragging as a "proud Harari"
